2025/26 admissions are  open!

New Library Opens

The opening of the new library was timed to coincide with our first Finnway International School Phuket’s book week, which was held from 20 – 24 March 2023. 

Our goal during Book Week is to foster a culture of reading and instil a lifelong passion for learning in your children. By encouraging them to become curious and enthusiastic about reading, we hope to set them on a pathway to success that will benefit them in all areas of their lives.

Several parents generously offered books that they no longer needed, which we believe is an excellent opportunity to enrich our new library for your children. We thank them for their valuable contribution

Donating books is a fantastic way to support our school and promote literacy amongst your children. Together, we can introduce them to new authors and genres and inspire them to develop a love for reading. 

If you have any books that are in good condition and suitable for children in our school’s age group, we would be extremely grateful for your kind donations. 

Please drop off your books at the school office, and don’t forget to label them with your child’s name and class so that we can acknowledge their contribution and share the books with their classmates.

Additionally, we had a range of fun book-themed activities throughout the week, including inviting parents to come into the school and read to students, grades 3 and 4 primary students reading to the younger ones, puppet story shows, acting out stories, and so much more. 

The week week culminated in a dress-up day on Friday, where students came dressed as their favourite book character. 

As another successful school book week comes to a close, it’s a great time to reflect on the impact this event has had on the students, teachers, and community. Over the past few days, students have had the opportunity to explore new worlds, meet new characters, and develop a love for reading that will last a lifetime.

Well done to all our readers and thank you to the parents who took the time to come and read to their children’s classmates. You were very well received. 

Thank you and congratulations to our talented and dedicated teachers for putting this special week together!

Book week news from Kindergarten 1

On Monday morning we welcomed our first guest readers, Grade 4 students. They read to our class in small groups and in the afternoon, one of our students was able to remember the whole book! All students are so inspired that they have even read to each other 🙏

Our growth mindset challenge for Monday was to create the longest paper chain possible out of one piece of paper, scissors and dot stickers. We did this activity in pairs where everyone got to choose their partners to work with. So much fun and dedication, in the end, we managed to make a super long chain that fit seven kids.

On Tuesday the challenge got more demanding as we needed to create a bridge out of popsicle sticks and dot stickers. After completing the bridge we tested to see how much weight it could support after it was put on two cups and set screws etc on top of it until it collapsed. To make the teams we used coloured popsicle sticks. It is sometimes difficult in this age to work without our favourite friends but the new teams worked together wonderfully; during snack time in the afternoon they still stuck together.We also had two guest readers, Libby’s mom Dana and Mailin’s mom Maria. Thank you for giving your time for us ❤️

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